We are ready for MS SQL Server 2008With MS SQL Server 2008, Microsoft provides a major update to its database server. The new web edition license will allow web-hosters offering better SQL Server hosting plans more easily. It was important for myLittleTools to have its best-seller products myLittleAdmin and myLittleBackup ready for this update. We proudly announce that myLittleAdmin v.3.5 and myLittleBackup v1.5 are now available and fully support SQL Server 2008.
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myLittleAdmin v3.5 with MS SQL 2008 support availableThis important upgrade offers several enhancements and bug fixes, including support of the new SQL2008 data types, new SQL 2008 Encryption (TDE) database properties, new SQL 2008 FILESTREAM feature, content grid enhancements, ability to filter table and view content, treeview enhancement, etc... Download your 14-day trial version at or test myLittleAdmin v3.5 online on
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myLittleBackup v1.5 with MS SQL 2008 support availableThis important upgrade offers several enhancements and bug fixes, including MS SQL 2008 support, possibility to compress backup on SQL2008 servers, ability to copy a backup file from the backup folder to the restore folder, etc... Download your 14-day trial version at More info.
2 myLittleAdmin webcasts on Microsoft France website2 webcast (in French) about how to use myLittleAdmin to remotely manage MS SQL 2008 databases are available on Microsoft France website. This is a good start to understand how myLittleAdmin works. Note you can enjoy these webcasts even if you do not speak French.
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14-day free trial versionsYou can download 14-day free trial versions of myLittleAdmin and myLittleBackup in a single click on and Do not hesitate, it only costs you a few seconds of your time!
Some of our new customersSeveral web hosting companies have gravitated to myLittleTools' products over the past two months realizing their customers require the autonomy myLittleTools' products provide. Here are a few of them: ServeLink, Maximum Internet, Minerva Data Center, WebIO, Endurance Intl, Zeptor, Jelecos etc...
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