Rank: Newbie Groups: Member
Joined: 7/23/2008 Posts: 2 Points: 0
I get the:
Error -2147217871 Timeout expired, when execute a query, there is a option of up the value of Timeout?, or What can I do? some idea?
 Rank: Administration Groups: Administration
Joined: 9/11/2006 Posts: 605 Points: 649 Location: Enghien Les Bains, France
Which version of myLittleAdmin are you using? What kind of query is it?
Rank: Newbie Groups: Member
Joined: 7/23/2008 Posts: 2 Points: 0
About the version of myLittleAdmin:
Product : myLittleAdmin For SQL Server and MSDE Version : 2.7 Release : 123
Is a query that call to others functiones, is of kind:
select Jug_Codigo, Jug_CodClub,case CHARINDEX ( ' ', Jug_Nombre, 1 ) when 0 then Jug_APaterno +case Jug_AMaterno when '' then '' else ' '+left(Jug_AMaterno,1)+'.' end + ', ' + Jug_Nombre else Jug_APaterno +case Jug_AMaterno when '' then '' else ' '+left(Jug_AMaterno,1)+'.' end + ', ' + left(Jug_Nombre , CHARINDEX ( ' ', Jug_Nombre, 1 )+1) + '.' end as Nombres, case dbo.fIndHCP3(Jug_Codigo, getDate()) when 99.90 then NULL else dbo.fIndHCP3(Jug_Codigo, getDate()) end as Indice, Penalizado = case when Jug_FechaPenalizadoF > GETDATE() then '**' else '' end , Jug_Sexo As Sexo, '1' as Empadronado, dbo.fhcpAzul4(Jug_CodClub, Jug_Codigo, GETDATE(),Jug_Sexo) as Azul, dbo.fhcpBlanco4(Jug_CodClub, Jug_Codigo, GETDATE(),Jug_Sexo) as Blanco, dbo.fhcpDorado4(Jug_CodClub, Jug_Codigo, GETDATE(),Jug_Sexo) as Dorado, dbo.fhcpRojo4(Jug_CodClub, Jug_Codigo, GETDATE(),Jug_Sexo) as Rojo into #tempnac from Jugador where Jug_Status<>'0'
drop table #tempnac
 Rank: Administration Groups: Administration
Joined: 9/11/2006 Posts: 605 Points: 649 Location: Enghien Les Bains, France
It looks like this query takes too long to be fully executed and the SQL Server returns a time-out error. In a webhosting environment (shared SQL Server) the time-out value is often set to 45sec by the webhosting company.